Location: New York (USA)
Area: 150 m² (1.614 SF)
Date: 2004
Client: Battery Park City Authority
Status: Built
Structural: FTL Engineering Studio
Landscape: Signe Nielsen
Photography : Bilyana Dimitrova, All Rights Reserved
This is a multipurpose building for the Battery Park City Authority located on a high traffic corner in the south-western edge of Manhattan. It was decided to design a building with a distinctive identity, focusing on the use of alternate materials for the building skin. The supporting steel frame is made of 4 portal frames with a varying beam/column profile in an inverted sequence. The slightly radiused beams and columns create two doubly-curved surfaces: the south wall and the roof. All facades are made of clipped 16mm thick extruded polycarbonate panels used in three different colors. Panel lengths provided sufficient flexibility for on-site cold forming.